Leather Jacket-Sheepskin Jacket-Shearling Jacket-Biker Jacket-Aviator Jacket

How To Clean A Leather Jacket

How To Clean A Leather Jacket


Gather Supplies

Before you start cleaning your sheepskin leather jacket, gather the necessary supplies to ensure you have everything you need for the process. Here's a breakdown of the supplies you might need:

Soft Cloth: A soft, clean cloth is essential for wiping and cleaning the leather without causing any scratches or damage.

Mild Soap: Choose a mild, pH-balanced soap that doesn't contain harsh chemicals. You can use a soap specifically designed for leather care or a gentle baby shampoo.

Distilled Water: Distilled water is preferable as it lacks minerals that can potentially leave stains or marks on the leather during cleaning.

Leather Conditioner: A quality leather conditioner helps keep the leather supple, prevents it from drying out, and maintains its natural shine.

Leather Cleaner: If your shearling leather jacket is particularly dirty or stained, a specialized leather cleaner can help remove tougher grime without damaging the leather's finish.

Soft-Bristle Brush: A soft-bristle brush is used to gently remove loose dust, dirt, and debris from the leather surface. Opt for a brush specifically designed for leather care to prevent scratching.

Lint-Free Cloth: Lint-free cloths are ideal for applying cleaning solutions and buffing the leather without leaving behind fibers.

Read Care Label

Always refer to the care label or manufacturer's instructions that came with your leather jacket. Different types of leather (full-grain, top-grain, suede, etc.) might have specific cleaning and care requirements. The care label could provide information on recommended cleaning methods, suitable products, and any restrictions you need to be aware of. Following these instructions will help you avoid unintentional damage to your jacket.

Spot Test

Before applying any cleaning solution to your entire leather jacket, perform a spot test in an inconspicuous area, such as an interior seam or a hidden corner. This test ensures that the cleaning products you intend to use won't cause discoloration, staining, or other adverse effects on the leather. Apply a small amount of the cleaner or conditioner you plan to use, follow the instructions, and observe any reactions over the course of a few hours before proceeding with the full cleaning.

Dust and Dirt Removal

Dust and dirt can accumulate on your leather jacket's surface over time, dulling its appearance. Here's how to effectively remove them:

Soft-Brush Method: Gently brush the jacket with a soft-bristle brush to dislodge and remove loose dust and dirt. Brush in light, circular motions to avoid scratching the leather. Make sure the brush is clean and free from any debris that could scratch the leather.

Lint-Free Cloth: Alternatively, you can use a lint-free cloth to wipe down the leather and pick up loose particles. Avoid applying excessive pressure, as this could push dirt deeper into the leather's pores.

Soap and Water Cleaning

Cleaning your leather jacket with a mild soap and water solution helps remove general dirt and grime without harming the leather's natural oils. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Mixing Solution: In a bowl, mix a small amount of mild soap with distilled water. Make sure the soap is well-dissolved to avoid leaving soap residues on the leather.

Dampen Cloth: Take a clean, lint-free cloth and dampen it with the soap and water solution. Wring out the cloth to remove excess moisture. It should be damp but not dripping.

Gentle Wiping: Starting from a small, inconspicuous area (like the inner seam), gently wipe down the leather jacket using circular motions. Work in small sections to ensure thorough cleaning without oversaturating the leather.

Avoid Saturating: Take care not to oversaturate the leather with water. Excessive moisture can lead to water stains or damage the leather's natural oils. The goal is to clean the surface without soaking it.

Removing Stains

Leather jackets can sometimes get stained, and proper stain removal is crucial to prevent further damage:

Blot, Don't Rub: If you encounter a stain (oil, ink, food, etc.), immediately blot the stain gently with a clean, dry cloth. Press the cloth onto the stain to absorb as much of the liquid as possible. Avoid rubbing, as it can spread the stain and damage the leather.

Consult a Professional: If the stain persists or is particularly stubborn, it's best to consult a leather care professional. They can provide expert advice on how to safely remove the stain without causing harm to the leather.

Rinsing and Drying

After cleaning and stain removal, it's important to rinse and dry the jacket properly:

Rinsing: Dampen another clean cloth with distilled water. Wipe down the aviator leather jacket to remove any soap residue. This step ensures that no cleaning solution is left behind on the leather surface.

Air Drying: Allow the jacket to air dry naturally at room temperature. Hang it on a padded hanger to maintain its shape. Avoid using direct heat sources like hairdryers or radiators, as they can cause the leather to dry out too quickly, leading to cracks and damage.


Conditioning is crucial to maintaining the leather's suppleness and preventing it from becoming dry and brittle:

Choosing a Conditioner: Select a high-quality leather conditioner that's appropriate for the type of leather your jacket is made from. Check the manufacturer's instructions for the best results.

Applying Conditioner: Take a lint-free cloth and apply a small amount of the leather conditioner to it. Gently rub the cloth onto the leather using circular motions. Start with a small section and gradually work your way around the entire jacket.

Even Application: Ensure an even application of the conditioner, paying attention to seams, edges, and creases where leather is more prone to drying out.

Follow Instructions: Follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding the waiting time before buffing off excess conditioner. Buffing can be done using a clean, dry lint-free cloth. This step enhances the leather's shine and minimizes any excess product.


Buffing is a critical step in leather bomber jacket maintenance, as it helps evenly distribute the conditioner and enhance the jacket's shine:

Conditioner Absorption: After applying the leather conditioner and allowing it to be absorbed into the leather (follow the manufacturer's recommended time), there may be excess conditioner on the surface.

Buffing Cloth: Take a clean, dry lint-free cloth. Using gentle pressure, buff the leather jacket in a circular motion. This action helps remove any excess conditioner that hasn't been absorbed and evens out the application.

Enhancing Shine: Buffing also enhances the natural shine of the leather. The process should be done delicately to avoid damaging the leather's surface. The result will be a beautifully conditioned and lustrous leather jacket.


Proper storage is essential for maintaining the condition and longevity of your leather jacket:

Cool, Dry Place: Store your B3 bomber jacket in a cool, dry environment. Avoid areas prone to humidity or extreme temperature fluctuations, as these conditions can lead to leather damage or deterioration.

Avoid Sunlight: Keep your jacket away from direct sunlight and heat sources, as they can cause fading and drying out of the leather. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can also lead to color changes and cracking.

Padded Hangers: When hanging your sheepskin jacket, opt for padded hangers to maintain its shape and prevent stretching. Regular hangers can cause creases and distort the jacket's silhouette.

Breathing Space: Allow some space between your leather jacket and other garments in your closet. This prevents any potential friction that could cause scratches or damage.

Regular Maintenance

Frequent upkeep ensures that your leather jacket remains in optimal condition:

Cleaning: Regularly remove dust and light dirt from the jacket's surface using a soft-bristle brush or a lint-free cloth. This prevents grime from settling into the leather's pores.

Conditioning: Depending on how often you wear the jacket and the environmental conditions, apply a leather conditioner every few months or as recommended by the manufacturer. This prevents the leather from drying out and maintains its flexibility.

Professional Cleaning

If your leather jacket requires a more thorough cleaning due to heavy soiling, tough stains, or intricate detailing, consider seeking professional help:

Expertise: Professional leather cleaners have experience and specialized equipment to handle delicate leather and challenging cleaning tasks without causing damage.

Preservation: Entrusting your jacket to professionals ensures that it's cleaned effectively without risking unintended consequences from DIY cleaning methods.

Stain Removal: Professional cleaners are equipped to address stubborn stains and restore your jacket's appearance to its best possible condition.


Applying a leather protector spray can help safeguard your jacket from various external factors that could potentially harm it:

Leather Protector Spray: Choose a high-quality leather protector spray designed to create a protective barrier on the leather's surface. These sprays can help repel water, prevent stains from setting in, and offer some defense against environmental elements.

Inconspicuous Test: Before using the leather protector spray on the entire jacket, perform a test on a small, inconspicuous area to ensure that the spray doesn't cause discoloration, staining, or any adverse reactions with the leather.

Even Application: If the test is successful, apply the protector spray according to the manufacturer's instructions. Hold the spray at an appropriate distance and ensure even coverage. Allow the spray to dry completely before wearing or storing the jacket.

Reapplication: Depending on the frequency of use and exposure, you may need to reapply the protector spray periodically. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for reapplication intervals.


To maintain the integrity and appearance of your leather jacket, it's important to avoid certain practices and substances that could harm the leather:

Harsh Chemicals: Stay away from strong cleaning products or chemicals that are not specifically designed for leather care. These can strip the natural oils from the leather and cause it to become dry and brittle.

Abrasive Materials: Scrubbing your leather jacket with abrasive materials or brushes can scratch and damage the surface. Always opt for soft-bristle brushes and gentle cleaning techniques.

Excessive Water: Avoid exposing your leather jacket to excessive water. Leather is sensitive to moisture and can become discolored or warped if it gets too wet. If your jacket does get wet, allow it to air dry naturally at room temperature.

Direct Heat: Never use direct heat sources like hairdryers, radiators, or heaters to dry your leather jacket. Heat can cause the leather to dry out, crack, and lose its natural oils.

Sunlight and UV Exposure: Prolonged exposure to sunlight and UV rays can lead to color fading and drying out of the leather. Store your jacket away from direct sunlight when not in use.

Ink and Sharp Objects: Avoid contact with sharp objects that could puncture or scratch the leather. Be cautious when carrying pens or items with potential to leak ink onto the jacket.

Storage in Plastic: Never store your leather jacket in a plastic bag. Leather needs to breathe, and storing it in plastic can lead to trapped moisture and mold growth.

By adhering to these precautions and avoiding potentially damaging practices, you'll help ensure that your leather jacket remains in top-notch condition for years to come.

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